First of all this is the planned route that we will be taking but it is subject to change. Sep–Philippines,Oct–Malaysia,Nov–Thailand,Dec–Cambodia,Jan –Kenya,Feb–Uganda,Mar–Tanzania,Apr–India,May–Nepal,Jun–Ukraine,Jul–Romania
If you are not sure by now what I am doing let me explain a little in this blog
  • We will be traveling to 11 different countries for 11 months
  • We will visit one country per month
  • We will be doing what God tells us to do
  • We will be changing our hearts and minds to be like Gods
  • We will be feeding orphan children
  • We will be playing sports with children to bond
  • We will be sharing the gospel “the good news” with these same children
  • We will be going to the red light district in some countries to talk to men and women in the trade of prostitution
  • We will be sharing the gospel with these people as well
  • We will be sharing our testimonies with people who have never heard the good news of Jesus
  • We will be put in dangerous situations to tell these people about Jesus.
  • We will be put through test and trials to tell these people about Jesus.
  • We will be trusting in Gods will for everything
  • We will be humble servants of God
  • We will be living in tents in the middle of the bush in Africa
  • We will be living in the slums of India in our tents
  • We will be eating and drinking off of $3.50 per day
  • We will be carrying backpacks that weigh 50lbs on our backs with all our supplies for one year
  • God is in control and we will be his servants
  • We will be in teams of 6 people and we will be expanding the KINGDOM OF GOD
   I want to challenge you to be a part of all of this. You can help by…
  • Providing financially for us for this trip by clicking the support me button to the left
  • When you provide financially you provide food and water for me
  • I challenge you to keep up with my blog while I am doing Gods work
  • Praying for us as we travel around the world
  • Signing up at the left to recieve an email everytime I post a blog (This will be a blessing to me because my blog is one of my only contacts while I am gone for a year)
  • Pray for the people who we meet
  • Pray for our country to know God and be a part in expanding Gods kingdom
  • I challenge you to give to this ministry (even if it is $1) and see if you get blessed
  • I challenge you to pray for us and see if your prayers are answered
  • I challenge you to be a servant of God and talk to someone about God today
  • Thank you for checking out my blog and I pray that this blog will be a blessing to you!