Trusting and hearing from God can be a challenge. These are the two things that God has been working on with me for the last year. Lately, He has been speaking to me about trusting in His plans. He has given me the complete freedom to say no, I will follow my own plans, or yes, I will listen to you God. I have chosen the harder of the two and said Yes Lord. I have been hearing His voice clearer than any other time in my life and when I will just be still and listen He loves to speak to me. He loves to reveal new things to me if I ask Him.

A couple thousand years ago God spoke to Jeremiah. The Lord declared that He knew the plans that He had for him; plans for his welfare, not for disaster, to give him a future and a hope. At this time there was a lot of disaster about to take place. God was speaking to Jeremiah about disaster that was soon to come if His people did not repent. So for Jeremiah to trust in what the Lord told him was huge.

God spoke that word to Jeremiah about 2600 years ago. 2600+ years later, God has spoken the exact same words to me that He told Jeremiah. He knows the plans that He has for me and they are not to lead me into disaster. They are plans to give me a future and a hope. These plans are not going to be filled with sadness and depression. They will be filled with excitement and adventure!

As you may know, over the past couple of years God has transformed me. I am at a point right now in my life that I am completely sold out to the Lord. I know that I will live for eternity and I know that I only have a short amount of time on this earth to do God’s work. Therefore, I have decided to trust the Lord with everything I have. A few of the things I have laid in His hands are my: wife, future, job, finances, words, actions, plans, and thoughts.

Sometimes it is hard to trust that the Lords plans are better than mine. However, I have decided to place every inch of trust that I have in what He has planned for me and I know that He will be faithful to me. He is not going to lead me into disaster but instead He is going to lead me into an amazing future with Him.
Abba is so good! I challenge you to join me in this journey in trusting God. He will not let you down.