A couple weeks ago I was praying for God to reveal to me my spiritual gift. I prayed this several times and felt like I had not recieved an answer from God. Then after a couple of weeks I recieved the answer to my prayer. Last night I was in a deep sleep at my house in Memphis, TN. All of the sudden I woke up from my dream. I heard a voice in my thoughts that was telling me “Ryan you have the gift of Faith”. As soon as I heard that I was thinking to myself why the gift of faith. I thought to myself is that all? Doesn’t everyone have the gift of faith? This sucks that my spiritual gift is faith. And I opened my eyes and saw a little light in from of my face. I don’t know where the light was coming from but it was not a very big light. It was just a little light about the size of my thumb. So I closed my eyes again and then opened them again wondering if the light would still be there. When I opened my eyes there was the light once again right in front of my face. When I saw it for the second time I asked Jesus “Is this you Jesus”? I know without a shadow of a doubt that it was God. I also realized when I woke up that God had revealed to me one of my spiritual gifts last night! My spiritual gift is Faith! Wow, What a great gift to have. Faith is not a lame gift. Faith is one of the best gifts I could ever recieve! By faith there has been so many people that have been healed. The roman officer had so much faith that he did not even let Jesus come back to his house to heal one of his children. He said all i want you to do is speak your healing power from here and my child will be healed. And the officers child was healed. I am so excited that God has given my the spiritual gift of faith. Now I can go out into the nations with my spiritual gift of faith and heal people as well. I am so excited! Hebrews 11:6 says it is impossible to please God without faith. This is what excites me! My spiritual gift is faith which means that I will be able to please God! I challenge everyone who reads this blog to pray to God to see what your spiritual gift is. Love you all and have a blessed day! God bless!