Hello everyone! I am now on my fifth country, Rwanda, traveling with the world race. For the time I have been on world race I have seen God do some amazing things around the world. I have built some incredible relationships that will last forever and have seen many people take an interest in learning about Jesus. In fact, most people are very hungry for the word of God. Moreover, working on myself has been the main ministry I have done while being on the world race. I want to continue traveling the world working for God for the full amount of time He has called me on this race. Therefore, I must bring up the topic of finances.
Most of you know that this trip cost $14,300 to go on. We needed to raise $5,000 to start the trip and we are able to raise the rest while we are on the field. God provided enough money for me to leave America and now I am on the field and still in need of funds to be fully funded. So far, I have raised $8,500 and to be fully funded I need to raise $5,800 more. I need to be fully funded by March 15. Therefore, I am asking if you can help out in any way. If 232 people were to give $25 I would be fully funded. Would it be possible for you to support me this week? I have been praying for months that I will be fully funded by January 31, 2011 and I believe God will do it. $5,800 is still a large amount of money so I am asking for as many people to help as possible. If one church pulled together and collected an offering I am willing to bet I would be fully funded. If enough people pull together it will not be a hard amount to reach. I am asking you to help me so that I can help other people around the world. Will you please pray about supporting me and see what God says to you?
There are two possible ways of sending me money and there are two ways of supporting me. You can support me monthly or you can support me with a one-time donation. If you can support me you can click on the support me button on the left side of this page and follow the instructions there. It is a very simple process that will probably take you less than three minutes. If you do not want to support me via internet you can also mail in a check or money order to Adventures in Missions. Just make sure you put on the check or money order somewhere “for Ryan Hurd’s mission trip�. The address is:
Adventures in Missions
P.O. Box 534470
Atlanta, Georgia 30353-4470
The information on the check or blog website will also provide AIM with the necessary information to send you a receipt for your donation. Donations are tax deductible. Thank you everyone who keeps me lifted up in prayer and already supports me! You are a tremendous blessing to me and my squad. You are the reason I am able to be on this trip reaching out to the nations! God bless!!