I have now been in Nepal with my new team for one week. Before we got to Nepal we thought we would be working on a fish farm digging ponds for two brothers. However, when we arrived, our contact took us to his house and told us that it was not the season for the fish farm. So instead we came back to our contacts, Daniel and Theresa’s, house to work around his community.

After a day of rest our contact gave us an orientation for how the month is supposed to look. Our scheduled ministry consists of hosting VBS (Vacation Bible School), teaching English, and painting classrooms. Our team is putting together skits along with songs to sing and games to play for VBS. We want the kids to have fun at VBS along with gaining knowledge about who are creator is. Nepal is a Hindu kingdom so we need to teach this early generation about Jesus so they can grow into men and women of God whom spread the gospel around their own community. All of this should be a lot of fun but I also want to tell you about the non-official ministry that God has the guys on our team involved with.

The night we arrived at our contacts house I set my tent up across the street. I thought we would be tenting the entire race but the world race is becoming more established around the world so most places we have some kind of housing provided for us. A few months I have asked if I could pitch a tent because I want the experience of camping but former ministry contacts would not let me. Thank God, Daniel has allowed me to set my tent up across the street this month.

As I was setting up my tent the first night a bunch of kids came over and started talking to me. Most of them know English pretty well so we all carried on a decent conversation. I got to know them a little bit that night and told them we would hang out the next day. So I kept my word to them and decided sports would be a great idea for all of us to get connected with each other. Therefore our team bought a soccer ball and started a game with the neighborhood kids. We have now played soccer with them for three days and it has been an amazing time out there on the field.

We have met so many people in the community on the field and God is using this time for us to witness to the community. Two of the nights we have been walking back from the soccer field we have had conversations with the kids about Jesus. They know we believe in Jesus so now I am hoping we can somehow have a conversation with all the kids on the field. I believe that God is going to use us in big ways to impact them and truly believe these kids are a big reason why my team is in Nepal. I want to have a lot of fun with these kids and I want our team to be able to effectively spread the gospel to them.

I want you to please be praying for a few things. Pray God does a huge work in the kid’s hearts. Pray God will give all of us the right words to speak into their lives. Pray that we can remember all of their names and build strong relationships with them throughout the month. Thank you all for supporting me and praying for me. Prayer has become so important to me and I hope you will partner with me in changing these kids heart for Jesus!!