I’m taking a rather unorthodox approach to World Race blogging right now, and I’m typing this blog more directed toward my team instead of for my donors and my subscribers. So if you aren’t on my team and are reading this, feel free to keep reading. But just know that this isn’t necessarily for you. Check out my other blogs as well.

Alright here we go, some of you guys may know that I have the verse Philippians 3:8 tattooed on my bicep. Which says “Indeed I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ.” If you guys are going to spend 9 months with me you should know from the get-go, I love Francis Chan. His books, his sermons, his video series on YouTube. He does a great job when it comes to convicting you, which is what I’m going to talk about here.

The past few weeks between college, work, and fundraising, have been very busy for me. I watched a Francis Chan sermon online today, and he talked about that verse. In that verse, Paul is talking about love for Jesus. The past few weeks, maybe even month, I have been so distracted by other things. I’m not making God the priority. This sermon hit me hard because I have the audacity to have a verse like that on my body permanently, and not give it my all to live it out. I’m too concerned with what my future ministry on the world race is going to look like, and I almost subconsciously feel that since I’m doing the world race, I’m going to get close to God then, I’ll have all the time in the world to spend time with God then. THEN.

My close friend Jared Celosse is on the world race gap year right now, he just finished his first month of the race in Ecuador. His blog is just great, and his most recent blog discusses his thoughts and how its been so far on his amazing journey. I texted him and told him how I can tell how much more intimate his relationship with the Lord has gotten, and how I can’t wait to experience the same type of intimacy on the race. He told me he wants me to know that I can experience the same kind of thing from home, and no matter how close I am with God at home, God will bring me even closer on the race.

So I guess I’m typing this because I feel convicted lately. I’m not sure if any of you are struggling with the same thing or not, but God got through to me through Francis Chan, and a close friend. Don’t get totally sidetracked by your future ministry. We are all busy people, but count everything else as rubbish, make time for God, and get as close as you can to God before the race. Then you will be on a whole other level with God on the race.



Here’s a great picture of my good buddy Jared Celosse, keep him in your prayers as he is on the race, ministering to the people in Ecuador currently.