I find it only fitting that on this day I share with you the things that I am thankful for.

I just had this all written out and it somehow disappeared so I’m kinda ticked off. But then I think for a second. How petty is that? I’m getting ticked off at my computer, or maybe it’s not even my computer that I’m mad at. But I’m getting mad at something as little as that as I sit here in the dining room of our big, warm, clean house. On a laptop computer I own. On the table where we had a great Thanksgiving feast today. Under the light of a brand new light fixture/chandelier thingy. The food was made in a kitchen that was completely re-done just in the last year and a half ago. . . but yet I was getting mad and upset at some words that got deleted. Look at all I have!

Here’s what I’m thankful for:

  • God’s love, mercy and grace
  • Everything that God has given me: plenty of food and water, a warm house, warm comfortable bed, running water, toilets . . .that you can sit on, a car to drive
  • I am also thankful for the huge list of people that are supporting me financially (and in prayer) for this trip. I have about $10,000 raised so far! It truly is unbelievable. I kinda feel like I’m unworthy of it or something. But it is definitely reassuring that god does want me on this trip. So thank you to this list of people who have supported me thus far!
  • Chuck & Madelyn Johnson            (former pastors)
  • Bob & Deanna  Gaberdiel                (know from College Baptist Church)
  • Bob & Jackie Blackstock                  (lifelong family friends)
  • Don & Jone Westblade                     (longtime family friends)
  • Ray & Carol Bentley                        (know from CBC a long time)
  • Rod & Diane MacLennan                (know from CBC a long time)
  • Pat Ransford                                       (longtime family friend & 1st grade teacher)
  • Ruth Winterhalter                           (3rd grade teacher)
  • Connie Erholtz                                   (ministered together in Mississippi)
  • Kathryn Bell                                      (known for a while and high school teacher)
  • Colin Mayers                                      (ministered with in Mississippi, his son is a good friend)
  • David & Jan Knapp                          (parents of an old friend from home)
  • Marcella Gray                                   (known a long time, youth pastor from elem & middle school)
  • Robert & Phyllis Elliott                   (friends of my dad)
  • Katherine Williams                         (grandma of my long time great friend, john)
  • Thomas Auseon                                 (not certain, but probably husband of someone I ministered with in MS)
  • Duane & Liz Benson                         (family from Niles, MI that let me live with them for 2 weeks)
  • Paul & Lois Rushton                         (grandparents)
  • Sue & Jim Iverson                            (aunt and uncle)
  • Rusty & Sharon Stewart                 (aunt and uncle)
  • Rod & Peggy Stewart                       (parents)
  • Greg Stewart                                     (little brother)
  • Erin Cramlet                                     (Young Life leader from high school)
  • Ginnie Wagner                                  (Young Life leader from high school)
  • Joel Beckett                                       (Young Life leader from high school)
  • John & Heather Williams             (parents of good friend)
  • Charles & Beth Kuntzleman         (former employers from Spring Arbor Univ.)
  • Rod & Toni Mathews                        (she’s a co-worker of my dad)
  • Damon Seacott                                 (SAU faculty and former house parent)
  • Robbie Bolton                                    (friend from SAU)
  • Bruce & Michiko Baldwin              (SAU faculty and a former teacher, Japan connection)
  • Darlene Mefford                               (SAU faculty)
  • Diane Kurtz                                        (SAU faculty)
  • Lauren Outcalt                                (friend from SAU)
  • Michelle Fevig                                  (good friend from SAU)
  • Clay Ellsworth                                 (good friend from SAU)
  • Rich Carpenter                                 (good friend from SAU)
  • Amanda Coy                                     (long time friend)
  • Lisa Kopek                                          (friend from SAU, fellow Young Life leader there)
  • Laura Moreau                                  (from through YL)
  • Maren Rose                                       (good friend)
  • College Baptist Church                  (church I attend and grew up in)
  • First Presbyterian Church          (church I attended a youth group at. did mission trips through)

I’m sure there’s more that I am thankful for. but that’s what I’ve got right now. And I hope I didn’t miss anyone on this list.