Why hello there,

I trust that 2019 is treating you well so far! I just wanted to write you this letter to give you an update into what’s happening in my life recently!


As you all know, I moved to the greater Philadelphia region in August of 2018 to live in community with five other people (two of my sisters, Brianna and Emily, Brianna’s husband, Scott,  Scott’s brother, Brandon, and dear friend, Ashley). I’m currently working at my local David’s Bridal as a customer service representative, and LOVING it. I work with some pretty incredible people and I love the job itself. I’ve also been attending Hope Community Church in King of Prussia with Brianna, Scott and Ashley on Sunday’s, and I’ve recently joined a “20’s group” that gets together Thursday nights to fellowship, study the Bible and share what God is doing in our lives. I’ve met some pretty incredible people and experienced some pretty incredible things while living down here, but I feel as if I’m being called to something greater.


In the beginning of February I felt a calling for missions. I haven’t thought about going on a missions trip in years, so I honestly had no idea where it came from or why. I looked up on google “missions trips in my area” just out of curiosity and the first link that appeared was “The World Race”. Back in middle school, my class was praying for missionary organizations, and The World Race was one of them. I hadn’t thought about The World Race since then, so I decided to go to the website and just snoop around. Ten minutes into looking around the website, I had my debit card in my hand, submitting my application for their Gap Year program.  About two weeks later, I had a phone interview with an admissions advisor, and she told me that I’d hear back from them in 7-10 business days about the status of my application. Two days later, my phone started ringing and it was the admissions advisor. My heart dropped into my stomach, I figured because it was so soon after my interview that they looked over my application and vetoed it immediately. I answered prepared for bad news but God had a different plan. She said that they had extra time the day before and they had gone over my application and there wasn’t a doubt in their minds that I’d be perfect for their program. I immediately dropped to my knees and just starting crying. Crying out of happiness, crying out of fear and crying out of excitement. This whole process was moving so quickly, I didn’t have much time to process what was actually happening. And quite honestly, I’m still processing it as I type this letter.


What is the World Race? The World Race is a stretching journey to serve “the least of these” while amongst real and raw community. This unique missions trip is a challenging adventure for young adults to abandon worldly possessions and a traditional lifestyle in exchange for an understanding that it’s not about you; it’s about the Kingdom. (taken from worldrace.org)

What does the World Race believe? We believe in spreading the love of Jesus wherever we go, and discipling those who come along the journey with us. (taken from worldrace.org)


The program that I was accepted into is a 9 month Gap Year program. In Early September 2019 I’ll be leaving the States and living in Thailand, India and Guatemala each for three months, returning to the States in late May. Throughout these nine months, I’ll be working alongside the church, spreading the love of Jesus to those hurting, those abandon, and those lost. I’ll be fellowshiping with widows, comforting orphans, assisting the disabled and praying over each and every person we come across. I, along with my team members, will be studying what is actually looks like to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and how to share that with this broken world we live in.


Here’s where you can come in.

I can’t do this without your support. I’m going to need you to pray for me and my teammates. This is going to be a long journey, where we will face hardships, heartache, illness, persecution and homesickness. The transition from having pretty much any worldly possession we could ever need, to literally living out of a backpack is going to be rough. Going from a society that believes “me before you” and learning that it needs to be “you before me” is going to be humbling and hard. Realizing that we are in the midst of poverty and suffering and that it’s not just something we read about, it is somebody’s everyday life is going to be heartbreaking. I need you to pray over us daily, for strength, endurance, and that the love of Jesus breaks down every wall we come across, even ones I’ve built myself. Pray that we realize that even if only one life is changed and impacted, our mission isn’t in vain, it’s for the Kingdom. Pray for safety, for opportunity and for community. I know some of you are already praying, and I couldn’t thank you enough.


Another way you could support me is by going to my blog (url located at the bottom of the page) and donating for my trip. I have to raise $16,600 by January 2020 in order for this to be possible. I have goals for when certain amounts of money need to be in. By June 18th 2019 I need to have $5,000 of $16,600. By August 22nd 2019 I need to have $10,000 of $16,600 and by January 15th 2020 (four months after I actually leave)  I need to be fully funded. I’ll be doing fundraising throughout the next couple months, so keep an eye out for those too.


Ways you can donate:

  • Donate directly from my blog (url in contact section)

  • Write a check directly to Adventures in Missions (information on paper slip)

  • Write a check made out to me (Rosemarie Ferris)

  • Venmo/Cashapp


I just want to thank each and every one of you in advance for supporting me spiritually, emotionally and financially throughout these next many months. They’re going to be tough, so it’s a good thing I’m not relying on my own strength. Love you all!


If you’d like to learn more about the World Race, you can visit their site at www.theworldrace.org.




Cell: (570)-447-2502

Facebook: Rosemarie Jean

Blog: rosieferris.theworldrace.org

Email: [email protected]

Venmo: bankofrosie

Cashapp: bankofrosie


-If you would like to mail your donation directly to Adventures in Missions, their information is located on the paper slip

-If you would like to mail your donation directly to me, my address is


Rosie Ferris

522 Barbara Drive

East Norriton, PA 19403

Adventures In Missions is a tax-exempt organization under IRS code 501(c)(3) and is a member of the ECFA. (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability). Due to IRS and ECFA regulations governing the administration of tax-deductible donations given in support of a particular trip/program, support contributions given on behalf of an individual will be used to offset the costs of the trip/program you are involved in. All contributions are non-refundable regardless of the participant’s success in completing the program.