I started a new job a few days ago on the 5th and it has been different. The title of this post is actually how I have to document all my paperwork and i found it to fit well. I work 12 hour shifts (7am to 7pm) where I load 50lbs bags onto pallets. I work Monday through Thursday and I live in a small apartment right next to the plant. The reason I got this job was to increase my income for the race but also give me time to fund raise and go to church on Sundays. Of course 12 hours is a long time and I definitely have a lot of time to think so I usually plan out conversations or scenarios in my head but I would say that a forth of my time is in prayer. It really makes time fly and I love how calm it makes me. Suddenly 50lbs bags are not as heavy, or tiring when I pray and realize that this hard work is for me to go serve God in 6 different countries. Every night I pray and read a few verses and sleep but on Wednesday and Thursday night my friend, who lives with me and works with me, made me play some worship music before bed and i loved it. I just find it to be so interesting how easy my mood can be changed and how calm I become when I worship or pray. This last week was definitely hard but these next few days should go by just fine and a lot more praying will occur. I also am planning and about to release a T-shirt for sale sometime next week so if you would like to help me out i would greatly appreciate it so stay tuned to my Facebook or Instagram!

My verse of the week is definitely 

Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters

Thank you to everyone who is supporting me and I will have another blog post up by next week!