For those who do not really know, I was born in Mexico and moved to the states at the young age of about three months. I had lived in Iowa for roughly 10 years and by then I got 2 little brothers and friends that I thought would never leave my side. Well, the last 2 years in Iowa were kinda rough. My Dad, who had gotten really high in the company ranking, was working a lot and was practically gone Monday through Friday for almost the whole 2 years. Around this time is when I grew bitter and angry… but it was not at my dad or the company he worked for, but it was my mother. I had never said anything to her or done anything outrageous to my mother but I had grown bitter. She always seemed sad when dad would leave and I never understood why. Around this time is when my little brothers would also question where dad was or why he was gone but I could not understand why they could not understant that he would come back, and that he was out providing for us. I took as much information from my dad as I could when he was home because I wanted, and still want to be just like him. I hope to one day be able to provide for my family the way my dad had, and has been doing for my whole life. After the bumpy 2 years we get the news that we are moving to Texas. Of course the news sucked and growing up that was not what I wanted to hear. After the move and while maturing a bit my mom and I were constantly butting heads. We would snap at each other and get into arguments and it wasn’t healthy. Soon enough I realized what had been going on. I grew so bitter toward my mother and I was not ever able to put myself into her shoes. I realized that for practically 2 years she raised me and my little brothers. She fed us, took us to school, bought us clothes, took us to the park and I had grown angry at the woman who would never leave my side and loved me unconditionally. The move to Texas was not just out of the blue, but it was because my parents wanted to be a family. My dad finally stays home for weeks at a time and my mom is not alone anymore. I realized the “sadness” my mom was showing was her way of holding back the feeling of not being with the man she loves and hatred toward the situation of our family being apart. I have never told my mom these things before and when she reads this I just want you to know that I am sorry. 


Things are better with my family now. My mom and I do not butt heads anymore and my dad is always home. It had definitely been a rough few years but I was glad when it was over. I still look up to my dad and aspire to be as loving and providing as he is. The fire I saw in him about Jesus is actually what made me want to go to church and get connected with our youth a few years ago. I give him full credit for leading me to God and teaching me that my dreams can become a reality when I work hard enough. 


Proverbs 22:6 

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

Thanks for being the best role model in my life and I love you, dad.

Happy Fathers day