We are currently in the middle of the presidential primaries, in case you haven’t already noticed.  How could you not, especially with the battles going on in the comments section of Facebook?  It is definitely easy to become quite infuriated over political posts and comments (I’m guilty of this).  This fury typically occurs when someone posts an article or a picture that degrades a chosen candidate.  It’s so frustrating!  What’s worse is that you know the chosen candidate of the person posting the article/pic is most definitely the worst person in the world (in someone’s opinion).  What happens? A Comment War!  The comment war that ensues can get pretty nasty, and may eventually lead to the two of you never talking again.  Oh well, as long as you got to say what you needed to say, it’s alright.  Right?  Wrong!  Why does it have to be this way?  Could it be we are putting our faith/livelihood in the presidential candidates?  Perhaps so.

If you think about it, the decisions that the President/House/Senate make can greatly effect your life.  Your freedoms can either be granted or taken away, taxes can go up or down, and your very employment may rest with a particular candidate.  It’s stressful business!  Here’s the thing though, it doesn’t have to be.  “How so?” one might ask.  Well, don’t forget who is in total control of the outcome, don’t forget the One who is wiser and more powerful than any president or senator on this planet.  He not only created the universe in its perfect dimensions, but He also lived as we did in the person of Christ (totally sinless I might add), sacrificed himself on the cross, and defeated death once and for all for our sake. Why?  Because He loves us sinful people so much.  If he loves us that much, then perhaps he is a trustworthy guy.  God has a plan, and He’s got your back no matter what the outcome is.  We have no reason to be stressed or afraid.  

We need to stop putting our faith in things other than God.  When we do we become stressed, angry, impatient, and afraid because nothing is even minutely close to being as trustworthy as Him.  The trouble is we’re going to put our faith in earthly things because we are sinful humans.  We can strive for and pray for a strengthened faith nonetheless. This election year my prayer is that no matter the outcome, no matter what man or woman is our next president, that we can relax and know God is in control.  Next time you’re tempted to respond to or post a political post/pic/article (I’m speaking to myself as well), ask yourself, “Do I put too much faith in mere men?”  You might find that the answer is, “Yes”.  In the meantime, for those of you just as confused and undecided as me over the candidates running, good luck!  


A verse I find helpful in most situations regarding anxiety or uncertainty is this:

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”  – Philippians 4:6