I was riding in a tuk-tuk with two of my teammates. We were headed home after a productive morning at a coffee shop finishing Unsung Heroes reports. As we neared the turn to our long dirt driveway, our peaceful ride was interrupted by a group of 200+ people standing in the middle of the road.

“This is not normal. What is going on?” I thought.

As we got closer and passed through the crowd, I saw a guy being arrested and put on the back of a police motorbike.

“I wonder what happened?”

And then I saw the most horrifying thing I have ever seen in my life.

A woman was struck by a truck while she was riding her bicycle… and she died.

And her body was still laying limp and contorted in the street. 

And I saw it.

I literally saw her for less than a second before I turned away, but I still can’t get the image out of my head. She was a human life that was tragically cut short. It made me realize how short life is for all of us. It can be over in an instant. That thought gives me urgency to share the love of Christ with everyone I know! We may not get a second chance.

My teammates and I prayed the whole way back to the guesthouse: peace and comfort over the family, that the woman was saved and knew Jesus’ love for her, for the man who hit her, and for all the people who witnessed the traumatic event. It really affected me, and I’m not sure I’ll ever be the same.

Life is so precious. Is there someone you’ve wanted to invite church or share the good news of radical grace with? Don’t wait. Lives are at stake.

Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring—what your life will be! For you are like vapor that appears for a little while, then vanishes. – James 4:14 CSB