One of my favorite ministry moments in Chile has been meeting Bruno. The circumstances were not ideal, but I will remember the minutes we spent together for the rest of my life.

On Thursdays, our ministry hosts, James and Coletta, volunteer at a public children’s hospital in Puento Alto called Hospital Sotero Del Rio. They spend time comforting the families, passing out coloring books, and praying for the children. With 6 children to a room, the hospital was very different than anything I had ever experienced.


In pairs of 2, we made it our goal to spend time with all of the families on an entire floor. James and I walked up a concrete staircase and down a long green hallway. The room we chose was for young children (no more than 2 years old) with various respiratory illnesses. As we talked with the families and handed out coloring sheets to the kids, each case was the same: Pneumonia.

That is – all except for one.


Bruno was with his mother on a separate side of the room. He was the cutest chubby Chilean baby you could ever imagine. He had big round eyes and a smile that could melt anyone’s heart. As we walked across the room, his eyes locked on mine.

Bruno’s mom explained that the doctors weren’t sure what was wrong with Bruno. He had all of the symptoms of Pneumonia and more but all of the tests were coming back with no conclusion. Her concern was clear by the tone in her voice.

We gave Bruno and his mom matching bracelets with different color beads that tell the story of the Gospel. His mom invited us to pray for them. James explained to her that I could not speak Spanish but would be willing to pray in English – which God could still understand. She laughed and said “yes, please!”

The prayer went something like this:

“Thank you Jesus for Bruno’s life. We know that you love him so much and that you know him better than anyone ever could. You know what’s not right inside. Give the doctors the wisdom to discover the root of his sickness. We believe you have the power to heal him. Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually. Jesus, let Bruno grow up knowing you love him, you care for him, and there’s nothing that can separate him from your love. Let him continue to be a light to his mother and his family…”

As I opened my eyes I saw Bruno playing with the red bead on his bracelet, the bead that represents Jesus. My heart skipped a beat. He quickly realized that his mother had a matching bracelet. He reached out towards her arm and as she brought it close to her he went straight for the red bead on her bracelet too. It was his favorite bead for sure.

I’ve thought about Bruno everyday since our visit to the hospital. I’ve prayed that Jesus would be as real and as close to Bruno and his mother as that red bead – that our small encounter would be a memory of Christ’s love and care for them. God has so many ways of communicating – ways that some of us may never understand or experience. I believe somehow… someway… Bruno heard my prayer that day.

Thank you God for the unlimited ways we experience your presence, your love,and your care!