We sacrificed a lot to go on the World Race. We quit our jobs, sold our house, sold a lot of our stuff and put the rest in storage. We basically put our lives on hold for a year. One of the biggest sacrifices we made is putting off having children. Anyone who knows me, knows my deepest desire is to be a mom. I was the little girl who always played the mom when we played “house”. When RJ and I got married, we decided that 2017 would be the year that we started trying to start a family. Then…the World Race came along. The decision to put off a family for another year was a big factor in deciding whether or not to do the World Race. We talked and prayed about it for weeks. Finally, we both felt a peace and comfort about waiting, because the opportunity to do the World Race won’t come along again. We both felt like we would be better parents in the future because we will have this experience.
Since being on the race, I haven’t thought too much about the fact that I’m not pregnant right now. It is hard because a lot of my friends are having babies, and while I am so so happy for them, it does bring me a pang of jealousy. However, God knows the deepest desires of our hearts, and he uses people to speak to them.
Last weekend, we got the opportunity to work with a local church and their missions board. We went to an outdoor market and gave free hugs and prayer to people. It was a great experience that forced me out of my comfort zone. Afterwards, we went back to the church for lunch.

They wanted to know our stories, and why we had chosen to do the World Race. RJ and I told them our story, and we briefly mentioned that we had put off having children to do the race. After everyone on our team had shared, a woman from the church, Carmen, said she felt like the Holy Spirit had talked to her while we were sharing. She started prophesying over our team, and when she got to me and RJ, she said that we were going to be wonderful parents, and that going on the race is preparing us. She said, “You will be parents to the people you hugged today and the people you travel with and meet this year.” I immediately teared up (and anyone who knows me, knows I rarely cry), because the Holy Spirit was using her to speak directly to my heart. It’s hard not to have fear when I want something so desperately. What if we put off having kids, then it takes us a long time to get pregnant? What if we are infertile? What if I have a miscarriage? I try not to listen to these fears, but they are definitely in the back of my mind. And God knows that.
After she was done speaking over us, the pastor wanted to pray for our team. The members of the church surrounded us while he prayed. When he was done, Carmen, who I didn’t even realize was standing behind me, put her hand on my stomach, and prayed specifically for my womb!
We bless this womb for the time that’s in your eyes, because it is a time they didn’t decide. This time will come when they least expect it. In the name of Jesus, cover her from her head to her toes, her body for that time. Amen.
It was so unexpected, but exactly what I needed. Both RJ and I started crying, and I felt this wave of peace wash over me. God rewards his children for obeying. We made the sacrifice to come on the World Race, and He knows the deepest desire of our hearts. I don’t know how it will work out, but I am confident that RJ and I will be parents one day. It may not be how we planned, but thank goodness God’s plan is always better than ours.