It’s month five and time to say goodbye to our old teams and hello to the new. I am happy to announce my new team, Team TAMMY (The Amazing Missionaries Magnifying YAHWEH)!

(OUR FEARLESS LEADER) Taylor, better known as “Flick” – This dude right here is one of a kind. He is bold in personality and not afraid to live on the silly side of life.


(TEAMMATE) Brandon, or as we sometimes say “bran-dog” – Computer master and a brain like Jimmy Neutron, this guy has the answers.


(TEAMMATE) Tom, “tom-cat”, “toe-mas”, “mas-toes”, etc. – This goober leans on the chill side with no fear of being uniquely him.


(TEAMMATE) Frieda, occasionally nicknamed “freeds” – Boldly pursuing her passions and loving on the little kiddos, this girl is a literal rock star.


(TEAMMATE) Alicia, “leash”, “lesha”, “a-leash” – a fellow former burrito, this girl is as sturdy and dependable as they get.

Each of these wonderful humans make up one unique, God breathed team. We are all so different but at the same time so similar. We balance each other in ways we need and challenge each other to grow, heal, and become who God desires us to be.

Check out their blogs!