I would like to formally introduce my team, TEAM BURRITO! As we travel to each country we will split into teams of 6 and God handpicked how we would divide. For the first few days of training camp our leaders watched us interact and prayed fervently over how the teams would look. I will admit, I was extremely nervous and excited. This was going to determine who I live and minister with for the next 11 months! My future was, yet again, in God’s hands and I had to surrender and trust.

The leaders handed us folded pieces of paper to announce who we were pared with and I was thrown back to drill team days and the anticipation of if I would make the team or not. My smile and posture must have screamed with nerves and excitement because a few of my team members giggled at me from across the room. I just couldn’t hold it in!

I jumped and ran into my teams arms as I realized who I get to serve with. I would have loved to be with anyone on the team but I felt blessed that God decided to place me with these 5 amazing women of God: 


This woman right here is just a ball of sassy sunshine. Her joy and confidence are contagious. She is one of those girls who lights up every room she walks in. She is not afraid to be who she is and that is something I admire about her. Her love for her puppies and all dogos (other than mine who she says is ugly) is so cute and sweet. She loves to hug and let you know she is there with a simple touch on the shoulder or by playing with your hair. She quickly became the team “mom” and I wouldn’t have it any other way.



This girl is dangerous! She comes out of nowhere with the best comments and remarks. Though she seems quiet she is just a cute goober. She is so sweet and smart. At night, she would get filled with giggles and they were contagious. Her freckles make her uniquely beautiful and her heart makes her a soft light to others.



This one right here is my buddy! Can’t tell you why but she knows why. We bonded over our similarities and being tent buddies for the last few days of camp. I am beyond blessed to have her on my team, but fo realz. Her relaxed disposition balances out my craziness. She is a great problem solver and has already traveled like crazy (this will help us not feel totally lost and confused). Her humility shines through her vibrant blue eyes and adorable squinty smile.



Bravery and strength are what I see when I look at Rebecca. Her story amazes me and I aspire to have the strength of God that fuels her. She is an introvert but I love it about her. She knows herself and what she needs as well as how to relay herself to others. As she opens up you see just a hint of sass and a glitter loving silly girl. I have never seen someone so excited about glitter. It matches my love of pandas.


This blondie right here is so stinking spunky! She is constantly smiling with the joy of the lord. She is not afraid to get down and personally connect with someone. She has been through the ringer but the healing God has provided her shines so bright. She is a rebel with a cause to the extreme of getting baptized at training camp anddd getting her first tattoo the day training camp ended. Then there is this deep other side of her that she is growing into. For being a new Christian, I have seen God move within her and challenge her. I’m not even sure she fully sees what he is doing within her but I can even hear it when she speaks.


These are the 5 powerful women of God I get to travel the world with. It won’t be easy being on an all-girls team but I know God purposefully placed me with these amazing individuals. I am excited to grow with them, challenge them and learn from them.


Why Team Burrito:

It started as a silly joke and then it stuck. But it is 100% us.


Christy= THE BEEF, Shelby= Lettuce, Alicia= Refried Beans, Rebecca= guacamole, Aubrey= French-fries and I am the Cheese. Then the tortilla is Jesus because he holds us all together.


We may be one interesting burrito but we have the good stuff on the inside!… and who doesn’t love a burrito lol