So my teammates went to a little outdoor restaurant two days ago for lunch. I decided to join them at it for dinner because the food is in our budget. $2 max for a chicken burger! That’s a steal on a $5 a day food budget! That evening I sat down with Alicia and Tom, two of my teammates and looked over in a corner where I saw movement. There were PUPPIES, little nuggets of fluff! I asked the owner if I could pet them/hold them/keep one (just kidding on the keeping part…kinda…) and to my surprise she spoke English very well. I pet them only a little and that was all I expected to come from that other then the fact I had to come back for every meal just to see the puppies. 


With every meal I learned more about the dog and her puppies as well as that the owner of this little restaurant. I realized we are the same when it comes to animals. There were 4 or more other dogs that were hers and a few cats that hung around the restaurant, all rescues with their own story. Her and I swapped stories and I told her how much I loved her for her kindness and love toward animals. 


Tonight was going to be our last night in Seim Reap before going to the floating village and, of course, I had to eat there one last time. We went to a grocery store before heading that way and I saw dog food. I felt Jesus spring up inside me and say, “buy some for them.” Without hesitation, not sure if it was because of the dogs or the people, I bought food. I felt like a giddy school girl taking it to them. When I handed the woman the bag of food she thanked me a ton and then stared talking to her dogs in her native language but I could tell she was saying, “look what this girl got you! It’s some yummy food just for you!” It was so cute seeing her talk to her puppies just like I talk to mine. 


With all this interaction, I knew I had to pray for them all, dogs and all. So, after dinner I asked if we could pray over her, her family and the animals she cares for. She said yes without hesitation to my surprise. 


Once we paid we all gathered in a big circle and I prayed a simple prayer of blessings over them. It felt really big even though it was a simple prayer. 


I love that through my love of animals this great connection was made. The best part is that I think I may get to see them again after going to the village! Fingers crossed! 


Now here are pictures of puppies: