With laughter and smiles they danced into the salon, ready to be pampered. I jumped right into painting nails. Some wanted a different color on every nail, others wanted to match their jewelry or to have a ton of glitter. Conversation was minimal because of the language barrier but what we could understand and share together resulted in laughter, smiles, hugs and a ton of “Same same.” I had braids in my hair so one of them asked for me to do their hair. We decided we were twins after that. After about four hours the girls trickled out. 

It is hard to grasp that I helped these girls get ready for work that night. Where they will meet western man after western man fulfilling his fantasies. As I walked to the bus station I passed two of the women I had just seen, hugged and laughed with at the salon. Their arms were locked in with a mans, their smiles and laughs trying to cover their true emotions. It kills me to know they are there but this pit in my stomach is contrasted by the joy in my heart, knowing the Lord God is working to rescue and restore them through the simplest of ways, a salon.