I remember in month one saying I wouldn’t think about it/ plan anything for my return to the states until month 9/10. Then month 9 came and I wasn’t ready/had no idea. Month 10 came and I just wanted to be present. Now nearing the end of month 11 I still have no idea what I will be doing when I return and it does give me anxiety. As the months progressed I took the mindset of being present, prepared, and give my future into the hands of Jesus. I have ideas of what I could do; heck I even have a list ranging from art teacher to going back to university. But as I finish up my time abroad I realize this is not the time or place to concern myself with such things. Yes, I should prepare but I do not have to or cannot make a decision out here in Indonesia. So, every day, I take my anxiety about what I’m going to do next and lay it at the feet of Jesus. I know he has my life in his hands and my main concern is that whatever I decide to do next blesses him; is like fresh incense to him.

With less than a week left on the race I am overwhelmed by many emotions; excitement, sadness, eagerness, anxiety, thankfulness and more. I know everyone will want to hear stories and ask what I will be doing now that the race is over. This can be overwhelming and I may give generic answers as it was a year of my life, every day was different and, as I previously stated, I have no idea what I’m doing next. So, I have listed some questions you can ask me to help me readjust, explain my year, give you insight and allow room for great conversation.

Preguntas para mi (“questions for me” in Spanish):



What was your favorite part of ministry this month?

How was the cold?

What was the hardest part about this month?

What was it like being out of the US your first month?

What made this country hard to leave?

What was it like experiencing a language barrier for the first time?

How was teaching English with no prior experience?

Tell me about Frannie <3

Biggest God moment?



What was it like doing ATL (ask the Lord) ministry for the first time?

What was your favorite part of ministry this month?

What was it like adjusting to speaking Spanish in different dialects?

The Peach, was it worth it? (machu picchu)

How was Rainbow mountain?

How was the day to day different without a host?

How was having blue hair?

What was the hardest part about this month?

Biggest God moment?



What was your favorite part of ministry this month?

What was it like living with the family you stayed with?

How were the hot springs?

How was being Elsa?

What was the hardest part about this month?

Biggest God moment?

What made this country hard to leave?



What was your favorite part of ministry this month?

What was it like sleeping above the homeless every night?

What was park ministry like?

What was the women’s ministry like and how was the Beauty for Ashes event?

Did I feel safe in Columbia?

How was my birthday?

What was the hardest part about this month?

How was it losing all the alumni leaders?

Biggest God moment?



How was arriving in Africa?

What was it like being called “mzungu” everywhere you went?

What was your favorite part of ministry this month?

What was it like missing thanksgiving with my family?

What was church like in Africa?

How were the bucket showers?

What was it like gaining the new name Larry?

What was it like learning about the genocide?

What was the hardest part about this month?

Biggest God moment?

What made this country hard to leave?



How was Uganda different from Rwanda?

What was your favorite part of ministry this month?

How was being on a co-ed team for the first time?

How was ATL and how did your team embrace opportunities?

What was it like having blue braids?

How was overcoming food poisoning from jackfruit?

How was Christmas and New Years away from home?

What was the hardest part about this month?

Biggest God moment?



How many ministry options did you have and which ones did you participate in?

What was your favorite ministry or part of ministry this month?

How was sleeping in tents?

What was your host family like?

What was the hardest part about this month?

How was it returning to white hair?

How was it being with another team?

What made this country hard to leave?

Biggest God moment?



How was it going into another ATL month?

What was the hardest part about this month?

What was your favorite part of ministry this month?

How was it being in a big city coming from Africa?

How was it losing a team member?

How was Kingdom City Church?

How was leading the beauty for Ashes interest meeting?

Biggest God moment?

What made this country hard to leave?



What was your favorite part of ministry this month?

What was the hardest part about this month?

How was it being in Thailand again, three years later?

How was it reconnecting with a past organization?

What was it like working for the communications department of an anti-trafficking organization?

What made this country hard to leave?

How was it not having my parents come to PVT? (Team Orphan Tulip)

How was dealing with the air quality in Chiang Mai?

Biggest God moment?



What was your favorite part of ministry this month?

What was the hardest part about this month?

How was it being back in Cambodia, three years later?

How was the floating village?

How was the puppy café?

How was the heat?

How long did I go wearing the same outfit?

Biggest God moment?

What made this country hard to leave?



What was it like with two new girls on my team and the guys?

What was your favorite part of ministry this month?

What was the hardest part about this month?

What was it like being in a “closed country?”

What was it like being on the beach?

How was the coffee?

Biggest God moment?



What was the hardest part about this month?

What was your favorite part of ministry this month?

How was it being on an all girls team again?

How was having food poisoning the last week of ministry?

How was traveling every few days?

How was realizing it’s your last month and how did you process?

How were our hiking adventures?

How was the coffee?

How was saying goodbye to everyone?

Biggest God moment?



What was it like not having WiFi or Data?

What was your favorite country and why?

What was it like living out of a backpack all year?

What was it like packing and moving every few weeks?

What was it like not having hot showers or being able to drink the water?

What were some of your worst/best living conditions?

Who are your closest friends you made on the Race and why?

What places or moments broke your heart?

What moments and places made you feel most alive?

What was it like changing languages every month?

What was it like being on an all girls tram?

What was it like being on a co-ed team?

What was it like not dating for a year?

What was it like going from living by myself to living in community?

What was it like to live off of $5 a day for food?

What was it like being the Beauty for Ashes coordinator for my squad?

What were travel days like?

How was doing laundry by hand in each country?

What was your favorite food you tried in each country?

What was it like not flushing toilet paper?

What are some unique sleeping arrangements you can remember?


Returning Home:

How are the states culturally different from the countries you visited?

How is Christianity different in other countries?

How are lifestyles different in each country?

How is it returning to the ease and luxuries that the states offer?

How is seeing your family?

How is seeing Daisy Lu?

How is driving after not for a year?

How is not living out of a backpack?

How is American food vs. other countries foods?

How are you continuing the lifestyle you acquired on the race?

What lifestyle attributes are you not bringing home from the race?

How is finding a strong Christian community?

What step are you taking to find a job/figure out the next chapter of your life?


This year was a lot. I had some of my highest highs and lowest lows. Coming home is a little overwhelming because of the extreme culture, lifestyle and community change. But, with all of this I would love to talk with you all. This will also help me process and adapt back to the United States. There are millions more questions you can ask me but this is a great first step. If you have any other questions I would love to answer them when I return home over a cup of coffee.