The smell of coffee fills my lungs as I start a podcast on some good biblical lessons. I’m loosely perusing some messages I need to respond to when I receive a message from one of my teammates. Within a matter of minutes I went from calm to complete emotional turmoil.

I will not be going to Thailand at the end of the race. I will now be coming home at the end of June, June 24th to be exact, with the rest of my squad. As you can see, this is extremely bitter sweet.

I do not want to go into a lot of depth in regards to what happened, as I am still unsure what is going on, but I want to set my donors at ease. Some questionable events took place with the organization I was going to attend a Justice Training School with and there has been no communication in regards to what is going on. This questionable behavior and lack of communication is why I will no longer be attending.

I am doing everything in my power to figure out what is going on and I want to simply trust that I was not scammed. I want to believe the best of this awful situation.

To my donors: I will meet with each of you individually when I return and if you have any questions please email me at [email protected]. I remain beyond grateful for your support and know God is still good. He answered a big prayer the day I became fully funded.

I won’t lie; I have been frustrated with God. Why did he allow me to be fully funded if it was only going to fall through? But I know he has a reason and a purpose. Becoming fully funded is still a miracle and an answered prayer.

Now, returning home in two months rings in my ears. I’m currently not ready. I was prepared to go home in three months. I had it all laid out, planned, since Colombia. But now I have to adjust and prepare to be home in two months. But I am not allowing my anxiety and current state to be bigger than my God.

In two months I will be home. I will see my family again. I will be able to see and hug my friends. I will see my puppy, who I may miss the most (kidding, but not really). I will be able to eat food that I can properly digest and that doesn’t make me sick. I will be planted somewhere and not have to live out of a backpack. I will be able to start a new, fresh life in the United States. These are the sweet things. 

As I finish out these last two months of the World Race I ask that you each pray for these months and my transition home. In regards to this situation and change of events I ask that you don’t ask me questions. I will inform you as I gain information, if I gain information. I’m still processing it all, as I stated before, but I wanted to let everyone know what was going on.

I am going to continue to press into God as I want to return home on a positive note and not dwell on the “what could-have-beens.” God has a plan and a purpose and I know that as long as I follow him everything will work out.

As my amazing prayer partner said, “Breathe…Keep breathing…Remember, all your steps are guided by him and there IS A REASON…Remember Jeremiah 29:11…

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”