I took a little bit of time to pray and think over the route options that were revealed at the end of October for my launch next year.  I finally reached a decision, one that I want to announce to all of you.  It was quite easy to choose.  My route is the one that everything in me was leaning toward.  I’ve had a rather long and very busy couple of weeks, which is why I haven’t posted before now.

So, without further ado, my route is: ROUTE #3!



El Salvador









I waited on the edge of my seat for the route reveal and, when it happened, this route hit me.  Hard.  I knew from the moment I saw it that this was the one for me.  You know that feeling?  The “I’m stuck on this one and I can’t tell why” feeling.  Yeah.  That’s what I had.  I feel like I can breathe now that this is done.  I’m also entirely blown away because– I’m actually going to all of these countries?!?!?!  WOW.  Can I just be in awe of this?

In other news, I officially began LA Marathon training.  It really is difficult, but I’m happy to at least have a goal.  This marathon puts into perspective just how little time I have before everything hits the fan.  But, God’s grace is sufficient for me to make it through.  Be praying for my joints, though.  I’ve been having some issues and quite a bit of pain, which is only making training harder.

Just to let everyone know, I did some math regarding how the marathon will work as a fundraiser for my World Race and I would like to share the structure I’ve designed for this fundraiser.  I will be setting up a list of spaces open to support me as per-mile-sponsors.  This means if I have 8 people per mile (a marathon is 26.2, but I’ll just do 26 sponsored miles) sponsor me for $100 per slot I would be fully funded by the end of the marathon!!!  Individuals can sign up for multiple slots or just one, but this would mean I would only need 208 people to donate $100 each and I would be paid off!  This is my goal.  If you would like to help, go to my contact page and use any of my contact information to let me know that you are interested in filling a slot.

Sorry to cut this post a bit short, but I really just wanted to get all of this information out to everyone this week.  For now, I’ve decided I am going to try to at least be consistent in posting bi-weekly (I’ll try my hardest for weekly, though) and I have specific topics that I will begin sharing about!

Be looking for my next post!

Next time…  How I was called to the mission field.