While nothing is set in stone, this is a pretty big announcement and commitment on my part…

Right now, I am living in Los Angeles and working for an organization called the Dream Center.  I serve LA County in the Dream Center Leadership School and the outreach experience I have gained since being here has had a huge part to play in building my desire and guiding me toward international missions.  I’ve watched my pastor (Matthew Barnett) at my church (Angelus Temple) do impossible things for the ministry and it has really inspired me to do the same.

Without further ado… I am planning to run the Los Angeles Marathon!!!! For those of you who know me well, you know the struggle I’ve had with my joints and that running/endurance has never been my strong suit. But, for the sake of having a goal to work toward with my physical training for the WR and the fundraising that I need to do to cover over $17,000 worth of expenses, I will run with endurance the race set before me (or walk it). Plus, I think it’s funny that I’m running a race to help pay for my Race! Ha-ha! Anyways, I will post information and possibly a promo video to give more information once I have more information to give you. I would like to have per-mile sponsors, people who would like to pledge a certain amount for every mile I complete in the race. Again, I will have more information at a later date, but this is a challenge I feel the Lord has laid on my heart because I can only say so many words and make a certain amount of phone calls. I want to pick up my cross and follow Him, and that looks like getting in shape enough to pick up my pack and walk for miles on the WR (or to run/walk the 26.2 miles in a marathon).

So, like the faithful (and ironic) God that he is, he set this on my mind because he and I are both aware of my limits and I did ask him to stretch those.  I mean, for someone who’s never even run a full mile without stopping, this is…  Whew. BIG.  And a bit scary, if I’m honest.  You know what, let’s just go straight to terrifying and leave it there.  However, I know my God, and he is bigger than the limitations of my body.  This is a battle he has tasked me to fight, to learn how to commit my body to his plan just as much as my heart and mind.

Over and out. XOXO– Re’