If this is the first time you are reading my blog, welcome! I’d like to introduce myself and tell you a bit about who I am:
My name is Re’ (pronounced RAY) and I am 22 years old. My full name, however, is Sydnee Re’gan Hollingsworth and I am originally from a small town called Royse City which is about 40 minutes northeast of Dallas, TX. I’m the oldest of my parents’ two children and my younger sister is the wild one… LOL. Jokes, but, seriously, she’s awesome. I am a writer, poet, and musician. I love to take pictures and to have pictures taken of me, but by no means does that make me a photographer or model. I’m an introvert and love alone time, but I also thrive on one-on-one conversations. I am quiet at first, then, once I’m out of my shell, I can be pretty wild (those were my roommate’s words, not mine). Jesus has captured my heart and directed me (or shoved me) into the call to missions. Not that I went unwillingly into my call, because I love to travel and serving people is where my heart is full, but he had to work on the condition of my heart before he could put those pieces together and send me out as a missionary. I served at the Los Angeles Dream Center in their Leadership School for two years and am now super excited and ready to go on the World Race!!
Fun facts:
I love most Asian foods, especially pho. Chopsticks (and lightsabers) are my weapons of choice.
Coffee and various teas are my lifeblood. I’m fairly certain they actually flow through my veins.
Food and hand-written letters are my love languages (jokes, acts of service and words of affirmation but they’re mostly the same things). Despite my introversion and need for personal time, I deeply desire physical touch with people I trust.
The color you see when you look deep into a forest, that dark green that makes you feel simultaneously warm and wary, is my favorite color.
I am very reflective (both because I think deeply and I’m fair-skinned, which is fancy words for hecka white).
I enjoy yoga, gypsy jazz music, and reading classical literature like Dumas’ The Black Tulip, Goethe’s Faust, and YHWH’s The Bible. (However, my favorite book is Ray Bradbury’s Dandelion Wine.)
I love the sound a record player makes for two seconds when the needle hits the record for the first time.
Sadly, to everyone but me, I am NOT an animal person. I tolerate them at best.
Finally, the World Race is my launching pad. Unless the Lord reveals to me otherwise, I really believe I am called to a life of international missions. Jesus has changed my life. I don’t want to stand before him one day and say that my time here wasn’t used for his glory. I struggle to live that every day, but I believe that one day it will become natural for me to love God and love people boldly and intentionally.