“However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.” – Acts 20:24

Three years ago, I never thought I would be in the situations I am in now. I am a senior in college and will be graduating in May. “What next?” is the question many people keep asking, and I finally have an answer. God has answered many prayers and in August I will truly be used as His hands and feet… I am going on the World Race! God has called me to a life of abandonment and I have never been more excited or nervous for something in my entire life.

I have always enjoyed mission trips growing up, I even considered a portion of my life a mission trip because I saw the extreme need of the people around me. However, I have always felt called to more. On my first day of class for my major, my professor asked what we wanted to do with this degree, and I said a construction missionary. The first international mission trip I went on, I was thrust into a community that was already established, but I was not a part of it. I trusted God with this community of people, and boy did they make a huge impact on me. Sitting next to the campfire, praising God for everything He had done that week, I knew what He wanted of me. I received a note that next day that really enforced it. The last line of the note said it all. “Keep your eyes on Jesus and your hand in His.” That’s all he wanted of me, to trust and follow Him every step of my life. So here I am, stepping out into the uncomfortable and unknown to follow Him.

I will be honest, I am nervous and scared, but I know that my God is bigger and greater than I could ever imagine. I am going to hand over all my doubts, fears, insecurities, and feelings to Him because He can do insurmountable things with my life. I am going to keep my eyes on Him and my hand in His as I enter this amazing opportunity to testify God’s grace.

God is so good y’all and I can’t wait to share this with the people of Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia!


I am asking for prayers for myself as well as my squad mates, whom I have never met, but already love so dearly! 

If you have any questions about the World Race or my journey with Christ, text, call, Facebook, or email me! I would love to share with you!

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