what up.


my life is completely different than the last time i wrote a blog. for the last sixteen days ive been camping and diving into deep intimacy with the Father while living with thirty strangers. well they aren’t strangers anymore, they’ve become some of my best friends.  


but here are some of the things we do almost everyday…

– eat oranges every morning

– have rad devos with our awesome leadership

– beautiful impromptu worship sessions

– get wrecked in our teaching sessions (Deon speaks straight facts every time)

– play spikeball 

– sleep in a tent 

– take bucket showers

– wash our clothes by hand

– trade clothes

– wear mask / lose mask

– one on ones in the pavilion

– almost die hanging enos 12ft in the air

– clean out vending machines in 2 hours

– take naps

– grow mustaches 

–  learn new ways to worship 

– poop in a porta-potty