The World Race Semesters trip has officially begun!! I am on day 4 and so much has happened already. My first ever flight was an eventful one, that’s for sure, but spoiler alert, everything worked out and God is good. Anyways, I was all packed and ready to go Monday morning, July 1st. My 2.5 hour flight to Atlanta to training camp was supposed to leave at 9:45 AM. However, after multiple delays, it finally left at 1:45 PM, way after I needed to be in Atlanta. But it’s all good. It worked out and God is good and as a bonus, I was able to get some sleep as I’d been up most of the night before packing.

After finally boarding and getting in the air, I discovered I love flying. I landed in Atlanta at 4:30 ET and immediately went to find my baggage. The Atlanta airport is massive, but thankfully I found my baggage claim without a problem. I wish I could’ve found my luggage without a problem as well. However, unfortunately because I’d been delayed and had to switch planes, my baggage was going to arrive two hours later. However, once again, it all worked out and Delta delivered my luggage to me later that night, which was such a blessing.

I got my ride to the Adventures in Missions base and, two hours later, I arrived at training camp. The day had been a little stressful, and I was greeted at camp with a plate of food and so many kind people. I met my team soon after and WOW. Words cannot express how blessed I feel to be surrounded by such amazing people. There are seven girls on my team, including myself and our leader. It is so clear that we all work together so well and that God is gonna use us as a team in mighty ways. I’m definitely going to talk a lot more about them in future posts.

We started that first night with sessions and worship. Over the next few days, the staff at Adventures in Missions taught us so many things about missions. I wish I could go into it all, but there was so much information and it was all so good. They taught my team and the four other teams that were there how to do ministry, how to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, how to see the world through the eyes of the people we will be ministering to, how to work as a team, how to share the gospel, and so many more things. I learned so much in just the past three days. I grew with my team as well and, once again, I cannot express how much I already love them.

This morning, my team got up at 2:45 AM, packed and left the base, along with the other teams Adventures in Missions is sending out, at 4:30 AM. We got to the airport at 5 AM, said goodbye to the other teams, and have been chilling here since then. We leave in half an hour and will fly almost 20 hours including a layover of multiple hours til we arrive in Cape Town. To say that my team and I are excited would be an extreme understatement. We are absolutely PUMPED, STOKED, and READY to go to SOUTH AFRICA!!! We are so ready to see the Lord work and to be the vessels that he uses to accomplish his will and bring him glory. That is our goal, to bring him glory and to show people the kingdom of God and the love of God.

Please keep us in your prayers once again. Pray for safety, for flights to work out, for good weather, for peace and against fear or anxiety, and just whatever else you feel led to pray for. I’ll continue to keep you all updated. Again, thank you so much for supporting me! I could not express enough gratitude that you all have been the support that has given me the opportunity to have such a great experience. Thank you and God bless!! And have a great 4th of July!!

Peace out America! See you again in just a few short weeks!!