High school is a blur of four years. Maybe for you; it was/ is the best four years of your life, but maybe for some of you it’s been full of brokenness, heartache, and just been downright awful. Some of you have those friends who have been in a long term high school relationship- maybe 6 months, a year, or even two years (which for you seems like a really long time), and then there are those people who start new relationships back-to-back. For me, I found it so hard to understand why people found refuge and comfort in always being in a relationship. As I scrolled through my social media I always came across a picture of a high school couple with a caption saying “I love you so much”, “we were meant to be” or “we’ll be together forever” or something cheesy like that. People nowadays “fall in love” so easily, but in high school how can people be so sure? For someone to get what they want, they tell you exactly what you want to hear, and relationships soon become full of lust, and a want for things that should be put on hold. For any of you who have been in high school, you know exactly what I’m talking about.


   Guess what? I have something so amazing to tell you… YOU are so worthy of love and affection. There is a God who loves unconditionally, who loves YOU unconditionally. “I have loved you with an everlasting love” Jeremiah 31:3. His love never fails. God will not drop you for someone else, he will not hurt you, he will not leave you because he simply “doesn’t have time for you”, and he surely will not cause you heartbreak. Though, he may call you to do something crazy (like go to the ends of the earth to be his hands and feet in five different countries for nine months), he will only break your heart for what breaks his. So everyone, whether you are in a “perfect” relationship, if you are lost, heartbroken, or don’t know how to mend your heart back together; you are NOT alone. There is a God who loves you, and I urge you to fall madly in love with him. He will take your broken pieces and mend them, he will hold you in his arms whenever you feel unworthy of someone/something, or even unworthy of love. You are never too much for God. You have been made beautiful in his image, and he sent his only son to die on the cross for our sins. That is love. Draw near to him, fall in love with Him. He is REAL LOVE. This is for everyone… whether you’re in high school, happily married, or still trying to find your way, etc. ; God is the gateway to a perfect relationship. Fall in love with Him.