I love the Philippines. Being back there, though in a different area, brought back a lot of fond memories from my original race. Some of my experiences were similar but this trip was much different than the last. Here’s my highlight:

We partnered with Kids International Ministries (KIM) in Manila. The main work they wanted us to help them with was enhancing their feeding program. Almost every day they take food to squatter (very poor) areas. Often whenever the rain comes these homes get flooded and families displaced.

The first week we helped at feedings – praying for people, looking for local churches, playing with the kids. On Saturday we went out on our first ATL (Ask The Lord) adventure of the month. The hope was that we would find new areas with contacts to build relationship with. KIM has been feeding bellies for a while but wanted to make the switch to feeding hearts and souls at the same time.

To do that, they want pastors or people of peace in the area to train to cook (KIM would provide the food and anything else needed) or to bring cooked food to. This way the local person could develop relationship with the people they were feeding.

Back to that first Saturday…

Seven Americans and one Filipino were dropped off at a location and asked God for direction. We started asking people where the church was. After climbing up and down a steep hill and through a couple tight squeezes, we came to the church. That was when we met Pastor Dario. A kind man FULL of peace. So, we gave him our spiel. He was immediately open and told us we were an answer to prayer.

Throughout our talk, Pastor Dario kept ducking in and out for minutes at a time. At the end of the conversation we learned why. He walked in with fresh baked bread. Not only was he a pastor but a baker as well. It was so good. We told him we had other areas to visit and started gathering ourselves to leave. He brought us a bag of fresh baked chocolate cookies to take with us!

But, the story does not end there.

Pastor Dario began waking us back to the road. Or so we thought. Instead, he jumped in the jeepni with us and proceeded to go with us the rest of the day. Which, he ended up randomly knowing the next pastor we came across. Who then also joined our troop. It was a fun day.

A few days later a couple people from the squad went to check up on him and make a plan for a trial feeding. There was more talking, more baked goods, and he took them to meet another pastor nearby.

The next weekend we returned to Seven Hills (the area where Pastor Dario lives) to do the feeding. We expected maybe 50 kids. The turnout was 75+, close to 100. We sang songs, played games, did a Bible story. It was amazing and so much fun. Pastor Dario had also invited two other pastor friends to meet us.

Three days later Pastor Dario came to our base and learned how to make the Manna Pack based soup himself.

The following Saturday (2 weeks after our initial encounter) Pastor Dario cooked the food and we did the kid’s program.

Now, he is able to do the whole program without our help as long as KIM provides the packs.

Pastor Dario was an answer to our prayers just like we were an answer to his. I love that we had the opportunity to find him and support him in his ministry as we supported KIM’s at the same time.

We don’t always get to see the fruit of our labors. We don’t always get to see how God answers our prayers. But, this time we all did. I have no doubt that the friendship that was begun during our time there will continue on for a long time. How wonderful it is when The Body works together in unity.