There are certain things that the Lord has branded on my heart. One of those things is our identity as His children. We are chosen by Him, we are His royal priesthood and we are loved, eternally and endlessly. In being chosen we are also called. He has plans for each of us and desires to use our hands, hearts and voices to ignite this world with Kingdom Fire. We need to know who we are and we need to rise up and stand against our enemy, boldly declaring, “No more, I know who I IAM.”

It is my heart’s desire to stand for my squad. To call out identity and ignite fires and to stand and fight the enemy and declare to His face, “No more, you shall not pass.” (Ok, all you Lord of the Rings fans.. geek alert. You know that scene where Gandalf is facing the fire demon and protecting his friends so he slams his staff down in the fire demon’s face and boldly declares “YOUSHALL NOT PASS!”?  Well a friend of mine prophesied that scene over me a few years ago and it really stuck with me. Let me know if any of you know where I can find a gnarly staff. I have no hope for the beard.)

There have been two moments this past week where the Lord has solidified these things in me. They were beautiful and I would like to share them with you. Let me paint you a picture…

Kata Beach, Phuket, Thailand, Evening

Another round of waves smacks us in the thighs. Just a few minutes ago they hit our knees, but with the increasing tide the waves are traveling higher. The salty mist kisses our faces. Our eyes stair out over the horizon, the clouds are low and dark over the sea. Lightning flashes ahead, the waves smack again, but we are not intimidated. In fact, we are singing. We are rejoicing. We are pouring our hearts out to Jesus. The three of us are a force more powerful than the wind and waves. We are more drawn to Him than the waves are to the shore. As the tide rises and waves increase, so will our joy in praising the One who is worthy.

I look to my right and see Robert and Claire; smiles on their faces, eyes to the heavens, feet planted firmly in the sand. We will not be shaken. Looking at them gives me strength and I am reminded I am not alone.

As the waves crash harder and try their best to take our footing we laugh and continue to praise, our voices joining together, a three-fold chord. No matter how things look, we will praise, we will stand:

“I lean not on my own understanding; my life is in the hands of the Maker of heaven…”

We press in and the waves press back. But as we stand firm and with each increasing blow our feet become more and more buried into the shore. We are being dug into the foundation, just by standing, just by being still.

We will stand. We will fight. We will praise and we will be un-intimidated. He is God.

“He is my rock and my salvation. I shall not be shaken, I shall not be moved.” Psalm 62:6

Bang Wad Dam, Phuket, Thailand, Evening

Sixty pairs of eyes look to the heavens, each following a different target. Eight lanterns float on the breeze like fat glowing jellyfish in a current. I stand back and take them all in with hope, my eyes glisten with love and splendor at how beautiful this life is and how wonderful my God is to include me in it.

Instead of hot air, these lanterns were filled with the hopes, dreams and prayers of each team. With linked hands, they courageously poured their hearts into this vessel and then lit the flame to carry it towards the heavens, to the One who hears even the smallest whispers of our hearts.

One lantern remained at the center of the group. Robert, Claire and I exchanged glances and smiles as we held it aloft. It was full, billowing with the dreams of God’s children and the desires of each of our hearts. It was filled with three voices that echoed sixty others and it was time to set them ablaze and let them soar.

Now, lighting a lantern is not as easy as you may think. Insead of a simple candle whick, paper lanters have a ring that must be fully lit to give flight. If you take the flame and keep it in one place on the ring the fire will only slowly creep, like a tiny inchworm till his circle is complete. The more effective way is to move the flame yourself; carrying it from section to section until the small separate fires came together as one. Tiny separate flames do not carry a lantern into the sky. Only one whole united flame can accomplish what a lantern is made for. And watching it will leave you breathltess.

So with my finger on the trigger of the lighter, I carried the flame. And God showed me that as Squad Leaders we are called to carry the flame to each team, to let the fire catch and then trust fire to do what it does so naturally; catch, burn, spread.

We are children of the light, carrying a flame like lanterns in a dark sky. Watching us makes the Father's eyes glisten with love. Every paper vessel is filled with His hopes and dreams and is so precious to Him. He hand lit and hand crafted each heart and breathed desires and visions into each. And then in an ultimate act of beauty, He let us go and stood back in awe of His creation. God intended His children to be set on fire with His love. He is The All Consuming Fire. You can’t get too close to a flame without catching yourself. 

I am reminded of a song I would sing as a little girl around the campfire on muggy summer nights:

"It only takes a spark to get a fire going, and soon all those around are warmed up to it's glowing. That's the way it is with God's love, once you've experienced it… you want to pass it on." 

It starts with a spark, in one heart…pass it on.