I had to say the first of many goodbyes this weekend.

My family and I had a great time eating, catching up, and playing games. Even the few mishaps that took place only serve to remind me how wonderful my family is how much I am going to miss them.

So much continues on without me: My 2 youngest nephews will be talking and running around when I get back. One of my nieces will be full swing into college when I return. My best friend will move and have her baby while I’m away. My parents will move out of the house I spent 8 years of my life in and start a home some place else. The world won’t stop turning while I’m gone and paradoxically it scares and comforts me at the same time.

I know change is inevitable. I know I will be a different person after this adventure. I know my friends and family will lovingly reintroduce me to this crazy culture and I know that my new “family” will always be there too.

The Lord has been faithful to prepare me to leave for nearly 8 months now, or has it been my whole life…? He has been encouraging me and getting me ready to say goodbye to the life I have been leading and leap into the new life He has for me. I know there will be challenges, changes, and growing pains…but it will be worth it. Please pray that I continue to trust in Him. I gave Him my future a long time ago…and now the present is what my future was. I’m ready!