
guatemala.nicaragua.costa rica. philippines.malaysia.thailand.

Welcome to my blog! 



So…What is the World Race?
It’s an 11-month long mission trip to 11 different countries around the world. Participants will work alongside missionaries/existing organizations and reach out to people – orphans, widows, prisoners, prostitutes, and everyone in between. They strive to be Christ to a hurting world, however God leads them. They live out of a backpack, within a limited budget, and with a small team of people – and simply go.
To navigate the site, I’ve given you a little explanation to help you out!
  1. If you click Home, you’ll just end up here.
  2. The Who Am I? section is just a bunch of info about me, in case you don’t know me already. 
  3. Talk to me is simple: I want to hear from you! It’s sent directly to my email – only I can see it! So if you want to reach me personally, click here.
  4. Pictures…because there are things that just can’t be put into words.
  5. View all blogs is a wonderful little list of everything I’ve ever posted here!
  6. Do you want to get an email notification when I post a new blog? (Remember, this will be my main source of communication!) If you do, Update Alerts can get you signed right up. Or, you can click here.
  7. The link that says, “FULLY FUNDED…” means just that! Thanks to you, I don’t have to raise any more support to stay on the race! HOWEVER. My friends need help. So if you’re feeling generous, talk to me and I’ll get you a list of wonderful people who need your help.
  8. Maybe you’ll be visiting my page and SUDDENLY remember you have a friend who might be extremely intrigued by what God’s doing in the world! In this case, you click on Tell a friend! and send em a nice email.
  9. Adopt a Team is if you really want to pour into my team. Team En Gedi is made up of 6 slightly crazy young people who are in love with Jesus and want to share, with the world, the Source of Life who has captivated them. You can click here to find out what the adoption process entails.
My blogs will also be organized by topic.