tomorrow marks the beginning of the last week of this thing. there have been about a million people, a million places, a million moments, and a million experiences that have marked me. that have marked this journey. i don’t quite have the words to sum it all up in a blog right now, and i think it will be a long time until i get there, but here’s my best shot at it right now.
ive changed in a lot of little ways.
like the fact that i now like hamburgers. i can now say sledgehammer in spanish. i have a few new tattoos. the holes in my ears that had been long closed up are open again. and i‘ve got some new clothes from the thrift store down the street here in guatemala.
but way bigger than these things, way better than these things, i’m coming back new. coming back with a new life.
living and dancing in a new level and depth of freedom. resting in the Father and pressing into His heart. stepping into who He made me to be and walking confidently in the identity He has given me.
a list of things i had access to before, because He’s just that good to freely give them, but a list of things i never actually walked in before, because i wasn’t living fully rooted in Him.
so, it wasn’t the race that changed my life. it wasn’t the race that allowed me to walk in deeper depths with the Father. to experience Him in ways i never have before. to see new sides of Him and recognize new truths of Him i never knew before. but it was this season, with this community, in these places around the world, on the race that the Lord so happened to choose to use to show me these things. to take my hand and walk me deeper. to show me more of His love and more of my own beauty. to invite me into more joy and into more freedom and to show me what it looks like to invite those around me into that as well. He could‘ve done this anywhere in any way, but boy am i thankful this is the way He chose to do it.
i have no words to adequately express how thankful i am for all the laughs and the tears and the dance parties and the adventure days and the ministry days and everything in between. for all the awkward moments spent sitting just sort of staring and smiling after the conversation has slowed down because of language barriers, and for all the unspoken words that have been shared in those times. for the all the card games played. for every piece of wood cut and carried. for the volcanos hiked. for the lakes kayaked and swam in. for all the friends i‘ve now got around the world and for an ever-growing community and family.
life never stops getting better in the Kingdom.
so, thank You God for this season You’ve taken my hand and walked with me in and used to change my life, and thank You for the next, and the one after that, and that You’re in it all!