No Dice

Putting all my trust in God I sent out my support letters to family and friends stretching all over the US. Every day constantly checking my account, my mailbox, and my email, hoping to get one person who wants to dive in and support me. The first letter I got a letter back was from my grandparents. I opened it so excited to see what they had to say, “No dice” were the words returned to me. It was a stab in my heart. I realized right then that not everyone was going to be on board with what I was so passionate about. I began to wonder if this was going to be the beginning of a flood of negative responses. God defiantly had his hand on my shoulder. I went to my computer and checked my World Race account and I had a 25.00 donation. It was the first one I’ve gotten so far! The best part was it was someone so unexpected, my dentist. I had tears in my eyes and gave my mom a big hug, I knew the Lord was with me telling me not to listen to the negative and focus on the positive. It was a huge weight lifted off my shoulders knowing there are people out there who fully support me, big or small, with financial donation or with prayer. I am so blessed!

My family has been helping me get ready for a huge garage sale. My father took the time and emptied two storage units full of stuff as donations. I am so grateful he could help, hes always so busy. My mom even unpacked some boxes she’s had packed since 2005 planning to take them when she moves into her new house. It feels so astonishing everyone in my family has made sacrifices so they can help me go on this mission trip. Both my brothers even gave up personal items they wont be needing. I am so ready for this to happen, I have great energy and support around me. I cleaned out everything in my house that I don’t use, don’t wear, or wont need on this 11 month journey. It feels so rewarding to give my life to Jesus especially purging all the materialistic things that I don’t really “need”. What once had weight in my life has becoming meaningless. Things that I never thought I could let go of were the first to go so I could show my commitment to going on this world race. I am very grateful to have this humbling experience it truly reminds me everyday what is important in life.