Okay so I've been stuck in this one song by my friend Aurora and her partner Mums. Check it out first:


Initially, I was teasing her saying she's making me want to run out, find a man and be his all- his place of rest. After 30min of listening to it on repeat last night and talking to a friend about it something more hit me. Yes, at the surface it's about romantic relationship love, but there's so much more. At it's core, it's about peace. A peace that only true love can bring. A relief. The person who provides that pause in your life and allows you to breathe. The world just needs more love period. People willing to give others a moment of rest from the chaos of their lives. Church/religious institutions definitely play that role and should even moreso than they do, but we as individuals can as well. Even if it's only a temporary escape from their personal hell; one breath before they go back under. That one breath could be the difference between life and death…

I dunno, maybe I'm reading too much into it. I do know that as I prepare for this mission trip my only real mission is to share love- the purest, simplest, sincerest, deepest, realest love I have in me- and to be loved in return.  This song is just dope. Period. Am I trippin? 
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