On Thursday, June 16th the whole V Squad fasted. Our fast was to press-in for our squadmates who are not yet fully funded (please check out THIS blog and stay tuned for another) as the final deadline of July 1st quickly approaches. It was a way for us to stand together and seek God's direction in this area. For many of us, it was not a food fast. I woke up Thursday morning and, laying in bed, started chatting with God about how much I fell off this month, why and how to get back on track. Our schedule is such that waking up early morning is tough. Then, once you are awake, you have nothing to do until 1pm. This sounds like a prime time-slot to be productive, but it ends up being perfect laying-around-doing-nothing time. So I haven't been working out much. I haven't been in the Word like I was the previous 2 months. I haven't really poured into anyone or been poured into…and I'm feeling it. I prepare hardcore spiritually for every other day when we head out to the bars at night, but outside of that it's been a preeeeeetty lazy, undisciplined, unproductive month. All this to say, God lead me to fast from the word(s) "should(n't). A weird fast- I know. It was bomb though!
Everytime I would say to myself "Man, I should __________" instead of sitting around and not doing it I got up and did it. Contrarily, whenever I found myself thinking "I definitely shouldn't ______," instead of eating more/sleeping more/being lazy/etc. I got up and did something else. No more excuses. Maaaaan, we have a million and one reasons for (not) doing/saying/being… Ultimately, they are simply excuses. Excuses don't bring results- at least not the positive ones we desire. Excuses are one of our greatest enemies. If you're not actively seeking God's voice, you're passively allowing the devil to whisper in your ear. If you're not consciously working towards achieving your goals, you're subconsciously accepting failure. I need & want to be fully present in every aspect of my life at all times.
I only have 5 months left on this race. I don't want anything less than exactly what God has for me. Therefore, I'm chasing after Him. I'm reaching out for His open hands holding my destiny. I'm going hard and sprinting to cross this finish line. I'm not just trying to make it, but I want to rock it! So any squadmates reading this- challenge & push ya girl. Fam & friends back home- keep me in your prayers and don't be afraid to ask the tough questions/demand results. I've become a different person already, but there's much more transformation to be had. I'm finna come back unrecognizable from the inside out 😀
QotM: I'm thankful that we serve a God who will never send us down a path He hasn't already walked.
-Kara Turner