Coming back, it felt like waking up from a two-year nap. I’m in the same place with the same people, but something just felt different. Without phone service for a month, I wasn’t up to date with my friends’ lives. It seems as I have a lot of catching up to do and not gonna lie, it’s kind of overwhelming.

Saying good bye to my team was very hard. We met as strangers, but we spent the past month growing together. We shared rooms, our deepest struggles, and countless inside jokes.

The first couple of hours after I landed in Texas, I wanted to go back to Ecuador. I missed my team and the ministry. I felt alone.

After texting and face timing my team (even though we just said good bye), I realized that I needed to speak truth over myself. The enemy is trying to isolate me from the world and I wasn’t going to allow it. I started to speak truth out loud that I’m strong and capable. This is something I’ve learned on the trip; speak it ’til you believe it.

It actually works. Repeating what I believe is true helps keep my mind on track.

I don’t want this trip to end just here. It has taught me so much and I would like to take back the lessons and actually living them out.

Life is ministry. This past month has been wonderful, but I don’t need to do anything extravagant to share Jesus’s love. It’s now time for me to show love through my words and actions living my life day by day.