I am officially a week away from my mission trip. I am fully funded! Thanks to all of the prayers and financial support I’ve got from family and friends. As the trip is getting closer, I wanted to share what I’m looking forward to on this trip.

  1. Meeting my teammates! It will be an all girls trip and I’m excited to this experience with them. My teammates will be from all across the states. I haven’t met any of them yet, but I’m looking forward to get to know them and serve together.
  2. Sharing the Lord’s heart in Quito, Ecuador. My team and I will be going to orphanages and hospitals. We hope to build relationships with the people we meet. Since we aren’t given disruptive information on what is going to happen until we arrive, I’m excited to see how the Lord will be moving in Quito and through my teammates and me.
  3. Getting to know the Lord better. For years, I struggle with self-confidence. Especially this past year, I’ve notice my insecurity can take away the great opportunities that the God has for me. I want to be fully allow myself to trust the Lord as I feel confidence in my words and actions.

I will be heading to Atlanta for three days for a training camp on May 30th. This is where I will meet with my teammates and prepare for the trip. On June 3rd, I will be flying to Quito to spend a month serving the the Lord. I’m hoping to post once a week on an update while I’m away. I would appreciate prayers for safe travels and the time spent in Ecuador.

Thank you again for all the support!