Hi my name is Randi Wright! 

As you many of you may know, this past year I attended Minot State University on a softball scholarship. However, with about ten games left, I tore my ACL and meniscus ending my freshman season earlier than expected. Almost immediately God gave me a peace that he had a plan for me. After discussing a few options with my parents, I decided to head back to Arizona. It wasn’t easy at all leaving my friends and teammates, but now I know it was the right thing to do. I had surgery at the end of May and quickly started the long recovery process. I am now enrolled at Chandler- Gilbert Community College working towards a degree in Dental Hygiene. No longer playing softball and going to a different school was a lot to take in, but my next adventure will be worth it all!  

Mission work has always been dear to my heart and after my trip to Africa in 2015, I knew I wanted to go again, just didn’t know when or where. With that being said, (after lots of prayer) I have applied and been accepted to a Christian organization called “World Race”. I will serve as a missionary for their six month program in Columbia, Ecuador and Peru!!!

In Columbia, we will be working with recovery programs, assist with feeding programs, lead children’s ministry and lead outreach for people going through homelessness. Next, we will travel to Ecuador where we will get the opportunity to serve in a home with children who have special needs, minister to people who have survived human trafficking and participate with after school programs for children. Our last stop will be Peru where we will partner with Youth with a Mission in Iquitos to spread the Gospel to their community and also serve alongside of Josephine House helping with improvement projects.

My life has flipped and turned upside down in ways I thought it never would. I tried to plan out my life, thinking I had it all together. But I am now seeing that God had a plan all along. “A man’s heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps” Proverbs 16:9. I pack my bags and leave January 23, 2020 and will return August 1, 2020! I am so grateful for this opportunity; to follow God and share his word with people (children) in these areas and can’t wait to share my experience with you! I am writing to ask if you would consider partnering prayerfully and financially if possible with me in my ministry. I have two months to raise over $9,000! This is completely overwhelming, but I have put all my faith in God knowing He will guide me through it!