He knew me before I was formed in my mother’s womb, but the life that the Father had already predestined before entering this earth began on Friday, February 21, 1986 at appromixately 1:00pm. That was the day I was born and the world, from that point on, was never the same!
Hi! My Name is Ramesha Haskins and I AM A WORLD RACER!
“He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.””-Mark 16:15
I’m 30 years old. ( I know! I know! I don’t look a bit over 21!)
I’m a lover of all things beautiful.
I’m the daughter of the most High God.
For the last 8 1/2 years, I have worked in elementary education as a 2nd, 3rd & 4th grade teacher, as well as an elementary School Counselor.
I love little people. (Children to me symbolizes faith, compassion and unconditional love.)
I enjoy learning about new cultures. (It really intrigues me!)
Sometimes I can be a control freak (God has been working on me and this relinquishing control thing hence this is one of the reasons I feel he’s placed The World Race in my path.)
In summer 2016, I went on my very first missions trip to the Middle East and my life was forever changed. Since then, I craved and desired to do more of this type of ministry.
I sometimes (well, I guess I’ll be honest (*smiles*) a lot of times) over analyze things. My brain, I believe, just runs at a thousand miles an hour.
I have a really big heart and just want what’s best for everyone.
I love DIY and home decor. (Hobby Lobby is my store!!!!)
I love to laugh and just have a flat out good time.
I’m a people person (just like my Dad). I’ve never met a stranger in my life.
I have the gift of gab (a fancy version of l like to talk!)
I’m a Daddy’s girl and my Mamma is my best girl!
(she’s the one in the middle,)
My little big sister (whom I’m taller than LOL!) is my best friend, confidant and one of my biggest supporters.
(My sister and I THEN)
(My sister and I NOW)
I consider my sister and brother-n-love to be my 2nd set of parents. They have blessed me with THE WORLD’S CUTEST, SWEETEST, and HEART MELTING niece and nephew that any auntie could wish for!
I love my family and wouldn’t change that for the world!
I have some AMAZING friends!
Most importantly, I’m a sinner saved by grace.
God is wrecking my life, and thus far it’s a beautiful thing (though it’s not always comfortable).
I’m not sure what he has in store for me, but as I continue to relinquish control and replace my plan for my life for his will for my life, then I am confident that it’s going to be more than I can ask think or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20)
I’m excited about this upcoming journey and would love to talk more with you about it. Please keep me in your prayers as God takes me on this new trajectory of my life for HIS kingdom!
Many Blessings,