
 1.a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.
  1. I can honestly say that sometimes I allow my pride to get in the way. One thing that I don’t like to do is ask for help or admit there is a problem or a need.
    So, the organization that my church and the other participating chart partnered with for this summer’s missions trip is having a benefit gala and our entire team was invited to attend. For a few weeks, I’ve been contemplating on attending due to finances and waiting for the next payday. Well, last week, I was invited by the missions director at my church and team leader from my team, to attend a benefit gala for another missions organization. During the offering period (and earlier that day), the Lord impressed upon my heart an amount that he wanted me to sow. Looking in the natural, at first I was a little apprehensive to sow it, but knew that’s what God was calling me to do. So, as a result, I gave the financial donation.
    Fast forward to two days ago, one of our team leaders from this summer’s missions trip called and emailed me about rather or not I was going to register for the upcoming benefit gala. I told her that unfortunately at this time, I wasn’t going to be able to attend. She replied back and stated that she was really sad because herself and a few of those in charge of the programming of the benefit gala wanted me to participated in a discussion panel to discuss and share our experiences from the trip and what God was doing. Now, I was torn because deep down inside I wanted to go, but just knew that my financial burden was what was stopping me. After texting her that I had decided that I was going to go ahead and go, she mentioned that if getting the ticket was an issue, she could work something out. With everything in me, I admitted that I did need that and if at all, I would just ask my Daddy to assist me. (Hey Daddy!!!)..A few minutes later, she texted back to let me know that my ticket was covered. There is someone who had a desire to pay for someone to go to the gala. 
    Here I was, tarrying with the devil, allowing my pride and flesh to keep me from the blessing that God had already stored up for me. The desire God placed in her heart to be a blessing to someone was created for me and by me being obedient the weekend before and sowing that seed, I was able to reap the harvest. 
    Friends, my prayer is that you let go of your pride. Whatever it is that you are worried about, don’t want to admit you’re struggling with, God has already provided a ram in the bush for you. This week, he has been providing for me in so many ways that it continues to boggle my mind. He’s said that if I remain faithful with a little that he would make me ruler over (and trust me with) much (Luke 16:10) and I know that he has great blessings in store for me and for you. So, LET GO of your pride. God knows what he’s doing! Beside pride comes before a fall (Proverbs 16:18) and I know that one thing I’m continuing to work on is relinquishing control and letting him work things out instead of me always trying to work it out on my own. As I say this to you, I’m ministering to myself: “Lean NOT on thy own understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6).
    Be blessed!