For the month of July team “One Direction” is traveling to different

cities in Costa Rica participating in

“Unsung Heroes” (UH).


 UH defined by Adventures In Missions:

“Men and women who are dedicated to serving some of the most impoverished populations in the world, yet rarely receive recognition for their dedication and service. These givers may also live with meager conditions but give consistently from an abundance of God’s love


 Throughout this month we are searching for such people.

To make their ministries, dedication, and needs known to Adventures and with all of you with our blogs. This will further expand Adventures resources in which future racers can serve. This is 2 fold, it will bless future World Racers as well as aid the UH in their ministry.


 My team has met quite a few contacts this month. All being very encouraging and showing us a glimpse of what life may be like for those of us who want to pursue to be a missionary full time!


I would like to introduce a man I had the pleasure of meeting.

Pastor Franklin.


 (Pastor Franklin with his grandchildren)


Pastor Franklin lives and has a church in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica.

He is passionate about sharing the gospel to everyone everywhere! 


His vision:


1. Finish construction of his church.


(may not be too visible but the side walls are not yet built all the way up to the ceiling among much needed repairs)

2. Acquire more land to build a “community center”. This community center will host concerts, movies, and different activities for the community to partake in.

3. To build a rehabilitation center to aid those who want to quit drugs and substance abuse.

4. And much much more…

All of which will be tools in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to his community in Costa Rica.


Pastor Franklin told my teammates and I a portion of his testimony. When he was a young man he got into drugs, alcohol, and stealing.

He was doing hard drugs and was a consistent user. Eventually turned to stealing to fund his drug habit. After years of this lifestyle he started praying. One day he gave his life to Christ and asked him to remove these addictions from him. God answered his prayers and has been serving Christ sober ever since.

Pastor Franklin says “Everyone knew me when I use to get high and drunk. They knew what kind of man I was…”

With Pastor Franklin those same people from his past can see the redeeming transformation only an experience with God can produce.

Instead of being ashamed of his past and avoiding those who knew him when he was on drugs he embraces it.He wants to show them that the transformation Jesus Christ promises in his word is REAL.



2nd Corinthians 5:17 – Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new


 My teammates have UH blogs on other contacts we have met this month. Go check them out!


God bless.

Love, Raf