Peru has come to a close and what a great month it was!

Team Radical was teamed up with Team Firestarters

We lived with our hosts Sara in Trujillo and served at a kindergarten in Milagro.


Monday through friday we spent our mornings assisting the teachers at a kindergarten in Milagro.

Other nights we served in 1 way or another in each church service/ bible study. 

Some team members did praise and worship, others took turns giving their testimony &/ or short sermon.

It was great to see all of us take turns in sharing our testimonies as well as what God has been teaching us through his word.


Once again I put together another video.





Isaiah from former team Radical

put together a Peru video as well.

Also, I posted Isaiahs video as well as additional information below.



Month 4 of the World Race also meant we had debrief at the end of this month.

We have debrief about every 2 months. It involves a few days with the entire squad + squad leaders (SQLs)  & coaches. We have team meetings with our SQLs & coaches as well a free days of rest to catch up with our fellow racers.


This debrief also brought about many changes within our squad.

Some team leaders were going to be raised up to be our new squad leaders and not 1 team would remain the same.


Some team leaders such as myself were asked to step down

to give others the opportunity to step into leadership. 

To give them the same opportunity I received to promote growth.


Team Radical had a great run 

definitely an interesting 4 months

and as as result so much growth.


I am on a new team, with a new leader

with some members of my previous team

as well as new members from another.


I am excited to continue this race with other members of my squad. 


Brianna wrote a very encouraging blog as tribute to our former team.


Click here if you would like to read it.


 Thank you so much for those of you who have subscribed, commented,

donated, and who has forwarded my blog to others. 


I appreciate all of you and I am almost fully funded!


God bless,


Rafael Robles


p.s. Thank you Cassandra for once again letting me use your laptop.