So I realized I still needed to fill you all in on those few mystery weeks when I disappeared into the land of China. I figured I'd start off with a picture blog, so here are some of the pictures I have from my time in Harbin. While there we got to work with an American couple who planted a church, and now a few churches, in that city. Our team and Erin's team ,who we were with, were split up amongst 3 house churches there. During the evenings we would teach english to anyone who wanted free lessons from us Americans, hang out with college students we'd met through going to English corners (events where Chinese students learning english can practice it in conversation with english speakers), and two times a week have church services in our living rooms. During the days we would try to meet up with college students for lunch or just to hang out, building relatoinships and sharing the gospel with them. We also got to go to a tiger park one weekend, ha so don't be alarmed by the pictures of tigers attacking a vechile… none of us were in that vechile. 

The epic 39 hour train ride to Harbin

Teaching English:

(these next pictures were taken by the boyfriend of girl who I was teaching who then added the wonderful borders and emailed them to me. ha I love these pictures)

House Church: 

Lunch & Hanging out with Gabriella 

(visiting her dorm room, admittedly, made me miss living in one a bit. but only a bit)

Tiger Park!!

The lovely ladies I got to live with:

Train ride to Bejing (thank the Lord for sleeper cars this time):

(you should check out this blog:  A girl on the train.  to hear more about these next pictures I happened to capture)

Finished our time up in Bejing: 

(and even got to see some SDSP (san diego summer project) friends