If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself. 2 Timothy 2:13


The other day I was thinking about everything I need to get done in order to go on the race and how fast it’s coming and started to panic. I started praying over my fundraising, asking God to make Himself apparent in the process. I asked Him to do it my way. As I was praying a felt a stir in my spirit and He said to me, “I’ve already proven myself faithful to you time and time again. I’m not going to break the covenant I’ve made with you. Now it’s time for you to step out in faith and trust me. I’ve brought you this far, haven’t I?

It seems crazy how one day I’m praising God for His faithfulness and the next questioning whether He even sees me or my struggles. As I look back over my life it seems that the times where I doubted God most, were the times when He was preparing me for the biggest breakthroughs.

Sometimes I wonder if He ever looks at me, lovingly shaking His head saying, “My dear, silly, girl. Don’t you know that I’ve already taken care of it?”

I’m so thankful that even when I don’t, He remains faithful. It’s part of His character. God is faithful and regardless of where I stand that cannot be changed about Him.