Hi!!! Thank you for visiting my page.

I’m Rachel Rose, and I am so excited to share with you why I am going on the World Race Gap Year.

I have decided to go on the WR Gap Year because I have a heart for missions. It is something that God put there when I was ten years old and has remained a constant ever since. I have the desire to see people be saved, to introduce them to their always loving ever-present Father, and to share hope through the Gospel. The WR Gap Year will give me the opportunity to that in three different countries over the course of nine months. 

The three countries I will be traveling to are Guatemala, Ethiopia, and Thailand. I will be spending three months in each country and partnering with different ministries on the ground to serve, love, and share the good news with the people of those countries. Each day will bring new experiences and new opportunities and will push me out of my comfort zone and into the plans God has for me.

Being someone who has never left the US this is a huge leap, and at times I get nervous thinking about being away for so long. But then I remember that God has His hand on this trip, and He will be, and is, my comfort and strength.