Hi friends! 

I’m finally back (I told you these would be “monthly ish”)!! 

Here are some updates:

  1. I am FULLY FUNDED! With all of your generous giving I have reached my fundraising goal! You all have shown me the abounding grace of God through your generosity and it has been such a special experience. So thank you!

  2. I leave the country in LESS THAN A MONTH (ahHhHhH). This means that my schedule is rapidly getting busier and much more stressful as I prepare to leave. SO if you want to grab coffee and hear about my heart for this trip or just say goodbye, don’t hesitate to reach out!

  3.  I’m super excited!! Here’s a picture of me to prove it 🙂


Now that I am done with school for the time being, I am in full World Race mode. This is exciting and all but also SOO stressful. So in the midst of all of the packing, buying bug spray, and getting vaccines, I have made a point of just sitting and praying to see the glory of God leading up to this trip. As someone who stresses about literally everything, this has been a great opportunity for me to lean into who God is and why He called me to this trip. When I get anxious about being away from everything I know for six whole months, I pray that I would be reminded of the goodness of God; both remembering His goodness up to this point and also waiting with expectation on His continued provision.

My counselor constantly reminds me that we were not given a spirit of timidity or fear. Although courage is not the absence of fear, we are called to be bold and courageous. So in the spirit of having courage through Christ, I would just ask for prayers. Prayers for boldness. Prayers for peace. And prayers that I would see the immense goodness of God. 


Love ya!

Rachel 🙂

p.s.  If you want to reach out to me you can email me at [email protected] !!