December 2019 I will be celebrating Christmas in India! 

This Christmas was such a special time with family. Knowing that I will be traveling next year made this season even sweeter! We had so much fun at Christmas Eve services, days in Seattle, or simply relaxing and enjoying conversations together. This blog has snapshots of this Christmas! 

I know that the holidays can be a time filled with great joy or heartache with missing someone special. The Lord is with us always and is so near to the brokenhearted. I pray that however Christmas was for you that this coming year would be a time of astounding joy and restorative peace!    

Christmas day Family Picture! 

A couple weeks ago doctor’s told my 96 year old Great Grandma Lila that her heart was failing and this would be her last Christmas. God has renewed GG’s joy and relationships with family members! Even with this sad news, we made many special memories this year!    

GG’s greatest laughter came from receiving large packages of batteries!


Visiting the Space Needle with Cousin Sharon. Sharon visited this year from Minnesota! God has brought Sharon back to health! From an unfortunate medical malpractice, a leg amputation, to nearly a year in hospitals, she is now fully recovered and able to travel! God is so good!!! 

Each year Grandma would read the Christmas story while the grandchildren acted it out. The last few years the grand-young adults have taken over reading the story, diving into the historical & prophetic leadings, or putting the story to song!

From the top: Angel, Wise Woman, Pianist & Narrator (me!), Joseph, Mary, Sheep-dog & Shepherd


This year the Young Adults told the Christmas Story through caroling and interpretive dance! Thanks for the suggestion, Aunt Michele! 

December 31st is the final day to give towards my World Race journey and receive 2018 tax-deductible credit! 

If you are planning year end giving, would you consider giving a tax-deductible donation of $50, $100, or $250 to help me serve as a missionary on the World Race? You are able to donate securely at the top of this blog or at  There are no extra fees associated with giving online.

I teach piano lessons and am off from teaching until January 7th! If you are available, I would be delighted to chat with you more about this journey! 

Rachel Preston
[email protected]