On the day we went to the tsunami memorial, our contact, Pastor Wasan took us to another memorial dedicated to two boats who floated inland on that day, killing and destroying until they landed peacefully far from their beginning places.
Here are some pictures of how powerful the tsunami was:

(The map showing their journeys.)

(This description is for the blue boat. I hope you can read it.)
(Me jumping in front of the boat. Amazing that it came so far inland, being so huge, huh?)
(Red boat information.)
Take a good look at the picture below. See anything special?
The neighborhood kids have converted this sign of death into a playground. They were laughing and having a grand ole time while we were there, and it was such a wonderful thing to see.
The point?
Disasters become tragedies when you can no longer see the death count as numbers, but human beings. 9/11 was a disaster, but it become a tragedy to me when I traveled to New York and saw the destruction for my self. I saw the memorials for the firemen and police and the innocent workers. They were faces and names and souls.
However, the good news is that southern Thailand has rebuilt itself. They now live and flourish where death and destruction wrecked havoc.
And life continues.
(A hermit crab on one of the beaches that encountered the tsunami.)
The separation between the old end of the beach and the new end. Now that is an island mainly underwater.)
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