Hey everybody! I am sure most of you know my name and where I am from, but if you don’t my name is Presley Marks and I am from the sweet little town of Holly Pond, Alabama. I love my home and the precious people in my community but I have always felt called to something so much more.

Missions have been heavy on my heart since I was a 14 year old little girl sitting at youth camp. The Lord gave me a word. Compassion, and I promised Him I would do my best to live that out for Him everyday of my life. Little did I know that that one simple word, a whole lot of surrendering, and even more faith, would lead me to Africa not only once…but TWICE and I pray it leads me back there over and over again. His provision has left me in complete awe of Him and overwhelmed at the blessings He has poured all over my life.

I leave for Africa in just 6 days and I cannot wait to see what the Lord has for my team and I. Please keep us and the people we meet in your prayers! Thank you so much for all the love and support! It means more to me than you will ever know!