Phillip is a very lazy homo-sapien. He never writes blogs, so I, Sarah Gaddy, have decided to help a brother out, and inform you all of what he has been up to.

Due to the fact that it is rain season in Africa, most of the people here are working hard (not hardly working) They are legit, working from the second they wake up until sunset on their farms, because they know that if they don’t work on their fields now, they wont have food on the table in a few months.

As a result, Phillip has had a lot of down time. So what does ministry look like, when you don’t have a set schedule, you may ask? Well, I will tell you. An average day for Phillip looks like so: He wakes up, and considers going on the run with Michelle, Julian and I, but it is very seldom that he joins. Instead, he starts a fire for everyone to boil water on for breakfast (oatmeal and coffee… EVERY MORING; our food was very repetitive) After he makes a fire, he thinks about showering, but always decides to save it for another day, because showering is too much work for him. That requires him to walk all the way to the well, and carry a bucket of water on his head, which takes a great deal of time. So he showers about once a week.

Next, Phillip reads his bible. He has read more books this month (I.E : The Heavenly man, Irresistible revolution, Father Fiction, and Crazy Love, along with the book of Luke from the bible) than he ever has in his life. This was a big accomplishment for him, and often left him silent, and in deep thought.

When he was sick of sitting, he would often play a game called ‘African Safari’ Which consisted of casually walking past many African children as if nothing was up, and then suddenly chasing after them like a psychotic monster, and scaring the living daylights out of them. This created an unusual friendship between him and the children. They enjoyed spending time with him, yet they were terrified of him at the same time.

Phillip was able to preach a few times, and lead worship at Church one sunday. The Africans thought it was pretty comical to see a white boy sing.

All in all, Phillip had a great, yet slow month. He made great use of the large amount of spare time we were given. As a sister in Christ, I have seen him grow significantly since day one of the race, whether he is active in ministry, or chasing African kids. He is constantly seeking after Christ, and staying positive.

The end.